Logo de l'organisme
Logo de l'organisme

Ensemble, soutenons les enfants vulnérables dans l’atteinte de leur plein potentiel.

Helping all children in a context of great vulnerability is our priority !

main rose

Nous croyons fermement que chaque enfant mérite d’atteindre son potentiel maximal, peu importe le contexte dans lequel il évolue. Grâce à votre soutien, nous pouvons chaque jour avoir un impact plus significatif dans la vie des enfants de notre communauté !


We raise funds to provide support through pédiatrie sociale.

Our organization invests 100% of the funds raised dans divers services dédiés aux enfants dans le besoin. En effet, les dons servent à la création de divers specialized services et à l’implementation of strategies dans le but de soutenir les enfants dans notre communauté. Par ailleurs, les dons nous permettent d’constantly innovate pour nous assurer d’offrir un highest quality support is provided to the vulnerable children of Haute-Yamaska

specialized support and services

We are committed to providing different support options for children through a personalized approach, including through services ofspeech therapy,occupational therapy and psychology.

Private lessons workshops

To ensure their full development, children need to engage in various activities to stimulate them both physically and psychologically. That’s why we want to offer them a variety of special workshops such as music,arts, sports and more.


We strive every day to introduce new activities to children. This is why we offer them the opportunity to participate in various activities such as a visit to the zoo, museum, cinema and many more.

Complementary activities and therapy

We firmly believe that a combination of several activities and complementary therapies to the personalized support offered to children can have many benefits for the maximum development of their potential. We therefore offer them the opportunity to participate inart therapy, dramatherapy, zootherapy ortherapeutic horse riding.

innovation initiatives

We consider it essential toconstantly innovate pour nous assurer d’offrir le best possible support to children and their families in need. This is why we are maximizing our efforts to innovate in the services offered as well as the platforms used by our organization.

Your donation can make all the difference!

Have a significant impact on developing the full potential of children in need! See how your donation can concretely contribute to transforming the future of children in a context of great vulnerability. Give on a recurring basis to have a real long-term impact!

Enfants avec un livre

50$ Donation

Permet d’offrir un livre, un jouet ou de la nourriture à un enfant.

enfant levant la main

100$ Donation

Permet d’offrir des services professionnels et personnalisés à un enfant.

Enfant et bricolage

1000$ to 2000$ Donation

Permet d’offrir des activités et des services de thérapie complémentaires pour une cohorte de 5 à 10 enfants.

0 $
Total of funds raised this year
0 children
ont pu bénéficier de notre aide grâce à vos dons en 2020-2021!

How to encourage our organization ?


Devenir bénévole

S’impliquer dans notre organisme, c’est making a significant contribution to transforming the future of children in a context of great vulnerability. Sharing your passions and your knowledge greatly promotes the development of their full potential!


Faire un don

Do you want to change the lives of children in need? 100% of the money received is used to provide the opportunity for children in a context of great vulnerability to develop their full potential. Have a real impact on their future!


Give love to our cause

Join our big family by following us on social media ! With a single click, you can contribute to our mission by helping others discover our cause. En plus, vous aurez la chance de rester informé sur notre cheminement et nos actualités !